nox sdl bug on latest version.

Topics and talking related to NoX, in Korean language

nox sdl bug on latest version.

Postby panic » Tue May 23, 2017 10:49 pm

Everytime I type korean while playing nox using sdl, the last letter of the last word is cut out automatically(ex. before:"안녕하세요" - after:"안녕하세"). I'm not sure it's gonna be helpful or not, whatever, i got a solution. I guess if we can make an algorithm -which when press the ENTER KEY, put an empty text(space bar) at the end of that korean taxt automatically- that bug might be fixed. Like this.(ex. type and enter:"안녕하세요" - input:"안녕하세요 " - output:"안녕하세요")
I hope we can fix this bug.

source code link:
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