Hi! I'm m16! NoX was and always will be my favorite thing ever. It means more to me than love and happiness.
I first started playing when the demo hit. I was in 7-8th grade or something. My friend and I used to explain to his mom that the players weren't dead, they were just unconscious. When the full game was released, it's pretty much all I did. I was a con-whore to the most extreme degree. I remember stumbling across the x-bow/taunt insta-reset and thinking I was super fucking l33t. Like many people I ran a geocities website. I used the name Noxicate back then, built the worlds shittiest trainers, and wrote what I'm sure were completely illegible tuts on WinHack tricks. However, I wasn't one of those publords who developed the crash exploits, inevitably pushing EA to give us the finger and take the servers down. I'm pretty sure those people got cancer and died.
I'm not an expert anymore by any means. In fact, I bet there are newbs out there who could whoop my ass around all three levels of treehouse. I just want to get in some games and have some FoN.
I'd like to thank whoever took the time to put this together! I was a member of noxforums.net for a while, but that was when I was a shit-poster to the max, so I quit till my balls dropped.